Why Is My Ip Address In A Different State

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It appears that most sites get my location from Mozilla Firefox. It is constantly incorrect and moves around. Today it was someplace in Texas and I live in Ohio. This is a desktop computer and doesn't move. I have set it on several sites and I don't delete my cookies but somewhere along the line it gets changed. It appears it gets changed in my Mozilla Firefox. I know you go off the dsl location or something but it just doesn't work. Even when it gets me in Ohio it's constantly a different city. How can I get a permanent location in Mozilla Firefox or disable the location finder in Mozilla Firefox?

Why Is My Ip Address In A Different State Address

In your home, your router uses your public IP address—assigned by your ISP—to connect to the Internet. Your router assigns private IP addresses to PCs and other devices to create a local network.

Why Is My Ip Address In A Different State Without

Why Is My Ip Address In A Different State

It appears that most sites get my location from Mozilla Firefox. It is constantly incorrect and moves around. Today it was someplace in Texas and I live in Ohio. This is a desktop computer and doesn't move. I have set it on several sites and I don't delete my cookies but somewhere along the line it gets changed. It appears it gets changed in my Mozilla Firefox. I know you go off the dsl location or something but it just doesn't work. Even when it gets me in Ohio it's constantly a different city. How can I get a permanent location in Mozilla Firefox or disable the location finder in Mozilla Firefox?

Why Is My Ip Address In A Different State Address

In your home, your router uses your public IP address—assigned by your ISP—to connect to the Internet. Your router assigns private IP addresses to PCs and other devices to create a local network.

Why Is My Ip Address In A Different State Without

Why Is My Phone Ip Address In A Different State

IP Address lookups are never very specific as to location. I looked your IP up on 4 different sites. 2 said Phoenix, one said Las Vegas and the fourth one listed 3 possible locations, Las Vegas, Henderson NV. Doing a straight ARIN database lookup it shows COX as the ISP and shows that they are based out of Georgia. If you don't want to do this, you could also change the IP range used by your local router. This means that your local IP address may still change from time to time, but the range of addresses will be different. Your IP address may change from to, for instance.

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